Thursday, March 11, 2010

Early start, y'all

It's 8am. No-one is awake. Except for us. The first polling booth opened half an hour ago at 7:30am. As ULSU election rules say that the polls have to be open for 11 hours, this is obviously an early start so that the count can start early and everyone can go home early. It might have been easier to just change the rules but then that would require a quorate meeting. And after the dodgy practices of Student Union meetings under Pa O'Brien's tenure, people are watching that meetings are actually quorate. So maybe changing the rules wasn't an option after all.

Here's a cool thought though. Open the polls at midnight next time and we can close the polls at 11am, all sod off home soon after and have a nice afternoon. It almost removes the need to vote at all.

Predictions as we're doing nothing else:

Wins for:

Ruan Dillon-McLoughlin

Derek Daly

Aoife Finnerty (freebie prediction for everyone)

Lorcan O'Neill

Finn McDuffie

That's all for now.

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